miercuri, 5 noiembrie 2008

Child Life

If you are a child in Pogoanele you are protected by a lot of special local laws and habits which make your life to be easy and happy. Respecting the capitalist rules and market economy, local politicians approved the constructions of an Internet-Café.
Nowadays this place become a cultural center for all children where the basic differences of sex, race or believes are not important. Gaming connect everybody in a virtual world of “Need For Speed”, “FIFA” or “Counter Strike”. The formal (school) and non-formal (internet-café) education make together a complex system which develop the personality in a positive way.
The essence of this system is based on Freud Theory: the child suppress bad feeling during school lessons, and he release them in a imaginary world (electronic games). In this way all children are protected by nervousness affections.

-the 10th article-

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