luni, 10 noiembrie 2008

The Legend of 23: Paradise 23

After American model of periphery, in Pogoanele is also existing a special zone which is separate by the rest of city with one Km of road. There is not 8 mile but basically is the same spirit of life and the same culture of non-conformism.
In fact this is the myth: 23 symbolize the number of guys who live there in a kind of anarchism. There is a kind of local self-sufficiency, and when I was a child the entrance in that zone was marked on road with a big motto: “Paradise 23”. But as every dream, it wasn’t an endless one and nowadays most of those guys are far away, or they working hard. New generation which appeared there is not ready yet to continue this tradition, and because of urban developing in that side will be absorbed by the rest of city solving in this way the problem of different culture and isolation.

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